
In recent years, it has been seen that health tourism has become a sector that supports the economic development of countries and increases their competitiveness, as well as industry and technology.


Turkey becomes prominent in the market with its affordable treatment costs, quality of service, qualified labor force, medical technological infrastructure, modern treatment methods and ease of transportation/access. Furthermore, it holds an advantageous position in global health tourism with its historical and cultural heritage, climate, natural beauties and thermal resources, with many alternative tourism potentials. If this advantage is benefited correctly and effectively,  


Turkey will be able to become the leading country in the sector in a short time. 370,335 tourists came to our country in the first 9 months of 2021, while an income of 704 million 262 thousand dollars was obtained according to TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) data within the scope of health tourism. Health tourism is one of the most significant items in the service sector with high added value and affecting the closing of the current deficit. Both its contribution to the promotion of our country and its economic return should be taken into account and the works should be carried out regarding this goal.


We, as intermediary institutions, aim to increase Turkey's global success in health tourism, its branding, and to increase the number of foreign patients treated in our country. In this regard, we are actively promoting treatment methods abroad and our country. We, as intermediary institutions, hospitals/clinics, general/local administrations and non-governmental organizations, believe that there should be more cooperation and activities in the country and abroad such as promotion, business forums, fairs, conferences and panels for the development of Health Tourism.    


I hope that USTTAK will contribute to the promotion and economic development of our country with the activities it will carry out in the country and abroad for the development of health tourism in accordance with its goals to have a say in Health Tourism and to become a leader and brand in the sector with this belief. I would like to thank once again those who contributed to the establishment of the association.


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