

He was born in Çanakkale in 1964. He graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. He completed his specializatin in ENT diseases in 1996. During his specialization at İstanbul Göztepe Research and Training Hospital, he participated many training program abroad. 


In 1995, he was invited to the research group at Tel-Aviv University Prof. Sade Bio-Engineering Laboratory with an Israel MASHAV Scholarship. One of the important names of the ENT Branch, their study under the leadership of Professor Jacob Sade with the most advanced gas measurement technologies of the period was published in the Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology. The study link named “Mastoid Buffering properties: I. Gas Partial Pressures” can be accessed from the address “http://aor.sagepub.com/content/108/8/750.abstract”. 


In the same year, he worked as a fellow in the Israeli Wolffson Hospital Otorhinolaryngology department. Meanwhile, he received training on Functional Endoscopic Nose and Sinus Surgeries, the importance of which is just being understood in the world. With the endoscopy unit he brought on his return to Turkey, he became one of the first physicians to use an endovision system in his office in Nişantaşı. 


In this process, he won the "International Collaborative Project Science Award" on behalf of Turkey given to only one person by Tel Aviv University Sackler Faculty of Medicine and the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The study named “Comparison of the Bacteriology of the Tonsil Core and the Surface in Chronic Tonsillitis” has been published. 


During his career, he published about 40 publications and followedmany congresses. Since 1995, he has started to share the idea of "Functional Nose Aesthetics" with his patients by combining functional nasal surgeries and nasal aesthetic surgeries. He still uses the idea of "Don't lose your nose functions while undergoing rhinoplasty" as a slogan. 


He has benefited from the developments in every period of facial paralysis, asymmetries and treatment, which he has been closely interested in since his specialization training. He uses the non-surgical solutions for facial anomalies by using late-absorbing hyaluronic acid fillings produced by the Allergan Medical Institute® (AMI) depending on technological developments. Therefore, he shares his experiences as a senior participant in training courses and certificates.


Having two children, Dr. Selçuk Güney's hobbies are playing guitar, tennis, cycling, fitness training and pilates. He enjoys dealing with garden landscaping and fruit trees. He received Kemer Golf and Country Club tournament finalist award, player of the month award and Hilton Doctors Tennis tournament awards.



English, Turkish

Specialities and Treatments


Sinusitis Treatment
Ear Microsurgery
Facial Paralysis
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
Facial Aesthetics
Sleep apnea
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